This version comes with an overhaul of the UX (settings menu, update, etc …) done by @FireEmerald. As you can see in his screenshot #169 there is a big improvement of the DPI of the application.

Some changes in the code also have been applied to separate some component from other.

When a new update is available, SoundSwitch’s Systray icon will flicker (alternate between its normal icon and the update one) to notify the user of a new version.


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Change Log

v3.14.0 (2017-03-21)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Improve the notifcation of new update #168
  • Corrected anchors, added high-dpi support. #169 (FireEmerald)

Fixed bugs:

  • Notification BallonTip not showing #173
  • Settings dialog resize issues #164


Algo Hash
SHA-256 78b52de8ebc61aad5c7534a3e781a25bf8c5979ef814325b080bef05f958b049
MD5 430fc017475914c6cceb12b2964506af