I wasn’t planning on releasing already a new beta version but some of the bugs I introduced in the last version where important enough for a release. The previous release introduced some annoying bug. The first one, the switching of… Continue Reading →
The major changes in this beta are in the code itself more than in the feature. I decided to implement my own Factory Design to make all the different use of Enum in SoundSwitch the same. I’ll surely make another… Continue Reading →
For SoundSwitch, I needed to fix a bug where the installer wasn’t detecting correctly the version of VC Redist C++ installed. As I found on Stack Overflow, each version has it’s own MSI key in the registry, but this is impossible… Continue Reading →
The significant change in this release is the fixing of the IPC channel, the communication between 2 SoundSwitch process. If you launch SoundSwitch twice, the second instance will replace the first one. Also, the installer should work with any version… Continue Reading →
At work, I’m working on a reply-to system. Letting our user answer to email and treat those replies as messages in a thread. This feature is available on a lot of platform like GitHub, GitLab, etc … nothing new. We… Continue Reading →
I decided to extend the array features of JsonDB by adding a new semantic rule: The use of -1 to get the last element In the previous revision I added the support for Appending, I thought why not add a… Continue Reading →
I finally found the beta version stable enough to be a release. The biggest added feature is the Stealth Auto-updater that will stop SoundSwitch, install the new version and restart it automatically without any user interaction. I implemented this feature… Continue Reading →
[github-issue username=”belphemur” repository=”node-json-db” number=”11″] I never thought of it, but supporting an append semantic in the “jsonLanguage” I created is an excellent idea. After all this semantic (array[]) is already used in other languages like PHP, why not implementing it here… Continue Reading →
I received an interesting issue about JsonDB not deleting correctly the index in an Array: [github-issue username=”belphemur” repository=”node-json-db” number=”10″] I thought using the delete keyword on an index in an array was deleting it (rendering its value undefined). In fact,… Continue Reading →
I released the last beta of SoundSwitch adding a simple but useful feature: IPC. Before I started maintaining SoundSwitch, it was using a Mutex to check if it’s already launched, and in that case, would abort the launch. It’s a… Continue Reading →
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